Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2 grand kids

Hello everyone,

Continuing practice on blogspot, to get the whole thing in hand before the trip (only 2 more weeks before blastoff). The whole thing of getting pictures on the computer, getting them resized, then onto the blog has to become 2nd nature, and it sure isn't now!!!!

But, I had a great practice arena with these two grandboys this last Saturday. We were at Seth's basketball game and caught these two little guys. Check this picture to the right

Look at those two faces! What are you doing Poppy? Well, they figured it out, check this out:

Well, they are a couple of sweet boys, and they were having fun! And so were we!
Til next "practice"
Dad & Poppy

"The heart of every problem is the problem of the heart, and ONLY God's Spirit and God's Word can change and control the heart" Wiersbe

1 comment:

  1. I think I commented on the wrong pictures. I'm trying it again
