Friday, April 3, 2009

Mesa Verde

Heh Everyone,
Well, today we left Moab, and headed to Durango, CO. Yep, we've left another state behind, heading to Virginia. When we crossed over into Colorado, we were suprised at all the miles and miles of semi-arid land devoted to agriculture. Beautiful fields for miles with the tools of irriagation standing watch, ready for the first signs of Spring.

We were soon turning off to Mesa Verde National Park. I've really been looking forward to this side trip. These people came to the area about 600AD and lived here until about 1300AD (twice as long as when the US was discovered), then moved on. Remarkable following their culture from hunter/ gatherer's to more stable society, then to the builers. We really enjoyed the story. History is fascinating!

We made it into Durango. A beautiful old historical section of town, first settled in the 1880's, and made rich by silver and gold mining. Mostly tourism now. Wonderful little shops and resturants (we tried out Francisco's, it was great.

Wondering if we get to go North tomorrow. Apparently a Blizzard it hitting Colorado tomorrow, so we may have to sit out a day. That wouldn't be ALL bad! Love to all,

Dan and Jan

"The heart of every problem is the problem of the heart, and ONLY God's Spirit and God's Word can change and control the heart" Wiersbe

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